How do life insurance underwriters view a person who has been infected with herpes?

Life insurance for people with herpes is generally not considered a life threatening condition. For this reason, most insurers will give the infected person a relatively decent rating.

The only significant known health risk is that genital herpes can pose a potentially fatal health risk to an unborn fetus and poses a higher risk to an unborn child in a woman who is pregnant or seeking to conceive.

Another issue with herpes is that it is not curable but it can be treated with expensive medication prescriptions. A periodic outbreak can occur throughout the life of a person.

Most life insurance companies will provide life insurance coverage to a person who has been diagnosed with herpes. Although herpes is infectious, and subject to periodic outbreaks in the form of relatively minor outward physical symptoms, the infection is not very likely to significantly affect the normal life of the person infected.

Herpes is a sexually transmitted disease so the lifestyle of the person applying for a traditional life insurance policy. Individuals may have their lifestyle examined in greater detail before a policy is approved.

Other factors which might be taken into account when reviewing an application may include any other health related factors unrelated to the herpes itself.

What are the health risks of herpes?

Herpes is a virus which generally occurs as a sexually transmitted disease or STD. The disease is transmitted through the bloodstream and attacks the cells in the outer layers of the skin. Symptoms are manifested in the form or sores or blisters.

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There are several variations of the disease. The two most common types of herpes are known as HSV-1 which is known as oral herpes because the symptoms usually manifest itself similar to a cold sore found in the exterior of the mouth.

Another version of the infection is called HSV-2 and is called genitalia herpes because its symptoms appear as a sore or blister in the genitalia region. A less common form of the disease is known as Herpes Zoster.

Herpes is treatable with prescription medication but is not curable and can persist throughout a person’s lifespan. Outbreaks which in the form of the above described physical symptoms may appear sporadically.

Finding life Insurance with herpes

Finding life insurance for people with herpes will generally not be too much of an issue although how a person is rated by a life insurance company vary significantly from company to company. The premiums which are charged for similarly rated policies can also be quite significant in how much premium a person will have to pay.

Life insurance companies use very different criteria in they assess and in what factors they use to approve a life insurance policy.

Obtaining a number of quotes from different insurers is perhaps the best way to find the best policy and at the most affordable rates because some insurers are more lenient than other companies.

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