Obtaining life insurance for people with HPV can be variable for some individuals who have this infection because there are so many different strains of this virus.

In most instances, the majority of the existing strains of this virus do not pose a significant health risk but some strains have been linked to the onset of a variety of cancers.

Some insurers consider these cancer causing strains to be more serious and may decline a person’s life insurance application. Most insurers, but not all of them will likely approve a traditional life insurance policy but may rate a person lower and charge a higher premium.

The biggest concern for a life insurer will be those strains which might lead to cancer which can be life threatening. The virus itself is believed to largely clear up on it own in the majority of cases within a period of 12 to 24 months.

There is no known cure for the virus but there are treatments for the physical symptoms which may occur as a result of exposure.

Life insurance for a person with HPV can be obtained but its availability and how a person is rated may be different form company to company.

What are the health risks of HPV?

HPV is an acronym for Human Pampilloma Virus. There are approximately 120 variations or strains of the virus. The virus largely affects the human skin and the body’s moist membranes such as the mouth and throat, the feet and fingers, nails, anus and the cervix.

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The virus is transmitted through cuts or abrasions on the skin and occurs through skin to skin contact. Some of the symptoms include fatigue, itchy skin or a rash, mouth ulcers, bloating, and constipation or diarrhea. The virus can also cause warts to form.

Many people will only experience minor or negligible symptoms. In the vast majority of cases the virus will be largely eliminated in between 12 to 24 months with no long term health effects.

The strains which have been indentifies as potentially leading to cancer are strain types 16, 18, 33, 35, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 68, 73, and 82. Most strains are not life threatening.

Finding life Insurance with HPV

Finding life insurance for people with HPV can range from being relatively easy to more of a challenge for others depending on the company and the strain of the virus itself.

Although many issuers will issue a traditional life insurance policy for those with HPV the manner in how they rate a person and the premium charged can be very different. Some insurers have a more lenient manner in how they rate a person while other companies are much more restrictive.

One manner in which a person might be able to obtain the most affordable policy at the most affordable premium is to perform some comparative shopping and get a variety of competitive life insurance quotes.

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