1. 11498 POINTS
    Jason Goldenzweig
    Co-Founder, TermInsuranceBrokers.com, Goldenzweig Financial Group, Las Vegas, Nevada
    The most popular Medigap plan is Plan F because it's the most comprehensive and covers all of the benefits at 100% from day 1.

    Plan G is the second most popular plan because it's identical to plan F except it doesn't cover the Medicare Part B deductible ($147 in 2014), but the premiums are typically much lower than plan F.

    So how do you decide between the two? It comes down to price. Since Medigap policies are standardized (meaning a plan F from company A is the exact same plan F from company B), the only difference between the coverages is the price you pay for them. With the only difference between plans F and G, if the annualized premiums total more than a difference of $147, then plan G offers you the better deal - if the total is less than $147, then plan F is the better deal.

    In order to determine what plan is best for you, I would need to know more about you such as your age, gender, any tobacco usage, married or single (determines availability of a household discount on rates), medical history (if outside open enrollment period), and other factors to provide accurate figures and suggest a proper course of action that best serves your needs.

    I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, including quote requests, plan comparisons. Thanks very much.
    Answered on October 16, 2014
  2. 230 POINTS
    Wayne Morris
    Owner/Broker, USA Insurance Brokers, Arizona
    I don't know if there are any statistics on the most popular Medigap aka Medicare Supplement plan. I believe it is probably Plan F or G, which are provide the most comprehensive coverage. Plan F covers the $147 Part B deductible, while Plan G does not. They are also the only plans that cover the Part B excess billing. The most popular Insurance Carrier and premiums will vary by age and state. Please contact me if you require any additional information.
    Answered on October 16, 2014
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