1. 12689 POINTS
    Ted Ratliff
    Owner, SFS Associates,
    As long as your child is driving your car or a car titled to you, you can keep your child on your insurance.  Once your child purchases a car in your child's name that child must purchase their own insurance.  There is no age requirement, it is based on who owns the car, you or your child.
    Answered on June 21, 2013
  2. 2210 POINTS
    Brenda Hanson
    Vice President/Agent, Best Rates Insurance Inc, Kalispell Montana
    Depending on your state  and carriers guidelines. There is not an age limit but with most carriers when you sign an application you are stating that you have listed all the drivers who have regular use of the car and live in the household listed on the application. In Montana id you give someone permission to drive your car they are covered on your policy unless you have them excluded then there would be no coverage.

    There also in a scenario that you would want your child on the policy. example would be Your child purchased a car but needed you as a co signor and the title is in both your names even though your child is not living with you and they are paying for the car but your name is also on the title then you could have the car and your child listed on the policy there are many options out there for your case. I recommend you talk to a local agent and they can tell you what works best for you and follows the carriers and state guidelines.

    If you are unfamiliar with your coverage then an agent might be a better choice for questions rather then an online carrier only.
    Answered on June 21, 2013
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