Agency Owner, The Thomas G Sheehan Agency, 27 Glen Road Sandy Hook, CT 06482
The first penalty is that you more than likely would not be able to register your car for use on public roads. Most States require car insurance in order to do that. If you had car insurance but let it lapse, or cancel it, the Insurance Company in many states like Connecticut, will notify the Department of Motor Vechicles (DMV). They will contact you and require you to show proof of coverage. If you cannot, they will suspend your registration and it will be illigal to drive your car (s). If you do drive and are stopped by a police officer, along with the charge for which you have been stopped, you will also be found to be driving an unregistered and uninsured car which will add to the size of your fine. In many cases the car will be towed and impounded and you will have to find another means of transportation back home, for which you may have to pay. You may also be required to appear in court. Once that is behind you, in order to get your car back, you will have to show proof that you have bought insurance again. It will be more expensive now because of the violations and the fact that you have not had continuous coverage. You will also have to pay to have the car releassed from the impound facility. You will have lost considerable time from work for all of this meaning that on top of having to shell out more money, you will have lost pay.
Bottom line...don't drive without insurance.
Bottom line...don't drive without insurance.