1. 1450 POINTS
    Fred Adams
    The HSA Expert, Health Revival, Athens, GA
    Unlike omst parts of the Affordable Care Act, if you are employed by a business with less than 50 full time employees, your employer has the option of offering coverage, but not is not  mandated to do so. The health law does not require businesses with fewer than 50 employees to offer health insurance to their workers.

    Small Employers wanting to offer coverage to employees may do so using the SHOP exchange, which is meant to help small business owners find affordable coverage. The government offers certain incentives in the form of tax credits and deductions to encourage employers with fewer than 25 employees who set up coverage through SHOP and help pay for it.

    Currently in Alabama, the only way to sign up for a SHOP plan is to go see an agent, broker or insurance company and fill out the paperwork.  Online enrollment is scheduled to be available during next fall's open enrollment period, starting November 15, 2014.
    Answered on April 17, 2014
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