1. 21750 POINTS
    Jim Winkler
    CEO/Owner, Winkler Financial Group, Houston, Texas
    Great question! While I do not have a degree in sociology or statistics, I can tell you what I see, working daily with retired, or near retirement aged women clients. Each and every one of them appreciate it. Most of them are no longer working, though almost all of them  had expected to be. The ones that still have insurance through work or their spouses work are not burdened with the fear of being unable to get medical services. The rest of them are enrolled in Medicare, or Medicaid. Those ladies also are profoundly grateful to be able to receive medical care that is affordable. Many of those women struggle to balance medical costs with the everyday expenses of heat, food, and electricity though, as the benefits are often not enough even with Social Security to make ends meet. Without health insurance they would be in a very bad way. If this did not answer your question, (And I'll admit I'm not sure what you are asking, since having insurance or not having it probably affects them the same way it would a man, or someone younger) please feel free to contact me, I'll be happy to discuss this with you further. Thanks for asking!
    Answered on April 29, 2014
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