David RacichPRO
    Fountain Hills, Arizona
    Long term care insurance can be purchased in three ways: company direct, a career agent or a brokerage agent. Company direct promotes its own proprietary product, which may or may not be suitable for you. Career agents generally work for a main company with some access to other product lines. Brokerage agents generally have several insurance outlets and can present dozens of companies.
    Answered on July 17, 2013
  2. 34 POINTS
    Glenn Wells
    Agency Owner, G.T. Wells Insurance, Keysville, VA
    Long Term care insurance ca be bought thru brokerages career nd independent agents. You need to look for an agent that has a plan that fits your needs and budget. There are many type of plans to choose from, such weather it will pay for home health care, respite care, custodial care, training for a relative to provide home health care. You need to decide on what you want to do if something happens to you how do you want you care.
    Answered on November 4, 2015
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