1. 15786 POINTS
    Bob VineyardPRO
    Founder, Georgia Medicare Plans, Atlanta,GA
    Medicare supplement plan F, also referred to as Medigap plan F, is the most oversold and overpriced supplement plan on the market.

    Medigap F is a good plan if you are willing to pay the price. Plan F covers 100% of your approved Part A and Part B expenses that are not paid by Medicare due to deductibles and coinsurance.
    Answered on November 3, 2013
  2. 2330 POINTS
    Steve Adlman
    Owner, Alabama Medicare Plans, Birmingham, Alabama
    Plan F also referred to as the Cadillac plan offers the most complete coverage out of the
    10 available Medigap plans. Plan F is the most popular Medicare Supplement because
    you have no out-of-pocket cost because it covers all the gaps (deductibles, co-insurance
    and co-pays) in your Medicare Part A and Part B coverage. Because it offers the most
    complete coverage Plan F is the most expensive Medicare Supplement and usually will
    experience the largest rate increase. Most people on Medicare would be better served by
    having a Plan G or Plan N.
    Answered on September 25, 2015
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