1. 5082 POINTS
    J Paul Wilson CFP, CHFC
    Certified Financial Planner, JPW Insurance Retirement Investments, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
    How to set up a personal retirement plan is a process. First start with the end in mind determine what retirement success would look like for you. Once you have an idea then you can determine what it would take to fund it.

    Retirement planning can be complex as there are many factors to consider and it is easy to put it aside for another day. The saying the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step is applicable here - start saving a regular percent of your earnings today. Let the power of compound interest work for you.

    If you would like to work with a local Retirement Planner, you could start with a Google search. For example, if you search for: retirement planner Halifax or retirement planning Halifax, my name, along with several others, will come up. You can use the same method to find Retirement Planners in your community. 

    If you have further questions, or feel that I could be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.
    Answered on June 11, 2014
  2. 3998 POINTS
    Matt Benore
    Founder, DenverWest Insurance Professionals, Inc.,
    Setting up a personal retirement plan first starts with your frame of mind.  Are you committed to following a plan, as close as possible, to get to your end goal?  If you answer yes, then you are ready to move forward.

    First, grab all your different accounts which you have monies in.  This will include your checking & saving, and money market accounts and retirement accounts including IRA's & your 401(k) if you have it through your employment.  If you don't have these type of accounts, it is ok.  You just need to know where you are to start.

    The idea is to figure out how much you can start to realistically set aside every month or year.  Then start to do this and stick with it.  Once you get this habit established, you will need to know how much you need to retire.  This number can be humbling however do not let it get you down.  You have to have a goal to get to.  At this point, I would recommend sitting down with a professional who can help you make some wise choices as there are several vehicles available but are not all created the same.  Working with someone can and will help you to stay accountable to yourself striving to reach your end goal.

    Reach out to me if you have any additional questions.
    Answered on June 11, 2014
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