1. 63333 POINTS
    Peggy Mace
    Most of the U.S.
    Disability Insurance pays a percent of your income to you if you become disabled and unable to work at any job, or your own job, depending on the features of your policy. So almost anything that causes you to become disabled is covered. Some exceptions might be (again, depending on your policy) disability due to drug/alcohol use, self inflicted injury and/or injury incurred while committing a crime.
    Answered on June 22, 2013
  2. 2180 POINTS
    Kelly Moser
    Social Media Strategist, Disability Insurance Services, California
    Also, depending on your occupation definition, you could become injured, go back to a different job, and STILL receive a benefit.  For example, if you are a surgeon who injures her hand, you would go out on claim and receive a monthly benefit.  Then, if you return to work as a general practitioner or as a professor, you could still receive that entire disability benefit on top of receiving your new income.
    Answered on November 12, 2013
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