1. 5082 POINTS
    J Paul Wilson CFP, CHFC
    Certified Financial Planner, JPW Insurance Retirement Investments, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
    Life insurance brokers are typically paid based on performance. If fact broker are usually on commission so how much they earn can vary dramatically. 

    Providing an average would be misleading. I know agents and brokers who earn who earn $25,000 and others that earn hundreds of thousands - in the same company. There are even a few that command 7 figure incomes. 

    The answer to you question is that what life insurance brokers is up to them. There is no limit.
    Answered on May 27, 2014
  2. 21750 POINTS
    Jim Winkler
    CEO/Owner, Winkler Financial Group, Houston, Texas
    That is an excellent question. The answer is that the income depends upon the agent. We are paid on commission, meaning that if we don't sell, we don't get paid. The agents that are good at sales, and are motivated to work hard can make a ton of money. Many agents are working around kids' school activities, or a part time job, and make considerably less. It really is all up to them. Thanks for asking!
    Answered on May 28, 2014
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